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  • Phrases to Diffuse Conflicts

      Executive summary

      Easy phrases to overcome conflicts in any situation.

    Diffusing conflicts in your online community is essential for maintaining a healthy and respectful environment. Here are some best-practice phrases to help you address conflicts among two members, incorporating principles from psychology and behavioral sciences:

    Acknowledge Emotions (Empathy):

    • "I understand that you both have strong feelings about this."
    • "It's okay to have different opinions, and emotions can run high in such situations."

    Acknowledging emotions validates individuals' feelings and helps de-escalate the situation. It demonstrates empathy, a key component of conflict resolution.

    Encourage Active Listening (Active Listening):

    • "Let's take a moment to really hear each other out."
    • "I appreciate your perspectives, and it's important that we all listen to each other."

    Active listening fosters understanding and can help members see each other's viewpoints more clearly, reducing hostility.

    Find Common Ground (Common Ground Theory):

    • "Is there anything you both agree on regarding this issue?"
    • "Identifying common goals or interests can help us find a solution."

    Common ground theory suggests that people are more likely to cooperate when they identify shared interests. Encourage members to seek areas of agreement.

    Focus on the Issue, Not Personalities (Attribution Theory):

    • "Let's address the issue itself rather than making it about personal attributes."
    • "Remember, the goal is to resolve the conflict, not criticize each other."

    Attribution theory highlights the tendency to attribute negative behaviors to personality rather than external factors. Remind members to concentrate on the problem at hand.

    Use "I" Statements (Nonviolent Communication):

    • "I feel that we can work this out by..."
    • "I would appreciate it if we could approach this with more respect."

    "I" statements convey personal feelings and needs without accusing or blaming, which aligns with principles of nonviolent communication.

    Suggest a Cooling-Off Period (Emotional Regulation):

    • "If things are getting too heated, it might be helpful to take a break and come back to this later."
    • "Taking some time to cool off can help us have a more productive discussion."

    Emotional regulation involves recognizing when emotions are too intense and taking steps to manage them constructively.

    Offer Mediation or Facilitation (Conflict Resolution):

    • "Would you be open to having a neutral mediator assist in resolving this?"
    • "Sometimes, having a facilitator can help ensure a fair and balanced discussion."

    Conflict resolution often involves a third-party mediator or facilitator to help guide the conversation and keep it productive.

    Emphasize a Common Goal (Social Identity Theory):

    • "We're all members of this community and share the goal of making it a positive place."
    • "Let's work together to find a solution that benefits us all."

    Social identity theory suggests that emphasizing a shared group identity can reduce intergroup conflicts.

    Set Boundaries for Respectful Communication (Behavioral Expectations):

    • "In our community, we expect respectful and constructive communication."
    • "Let's agree to discuss this issue respectfully and without personal attacks."

    Clearly state the community's behavioral expectations to remind members of the standards they should uphold.

    Express Confidence in Resolution (Self-Efficacy):

    • "I believe that, together, we can find a solution to this issue."
    • "Our community has a history of resolving conflicts, and I'm confident we can do it again."

    Self-efficacy is the belief in one's ability to achieve a desired outcome. Expressing confidence can motivate members to work towards resolution.

    By using these best-practice phrases rooted in psychology and behavioral sciences, you can create a constructive atmosphere for conflict resolution in your online community, promoting understanding and collaboration among members.


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