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  • Knowledge Management (KM)

      Executive summary

      Knowledge Management (KM) involves the identification, capture, organization, and sharing of knowledge within an organization to support effective leadership and decision-making. 

    When we speak of Knowledge Management (KM) we often refer to identifying, organizing, capturing and leveraging information and knowledge to support leadership and decision-making that is effective within an organization. This tends to involve creating a culture that utilizes and values knowledge as an asset that is strategic to help the organization achieve its goals. 

    Below we give you some key aspects of knowledge management:

    • Knowledge Retrieval: Being able to retrieve knowledge when needed is crucial. Metadata tagging and search mechanisms are effective in being able to assist in gaining quick access to information that is relevant.
    • Knowledge Capture: Involved in Knowledge Management is the documenting and capturing of knowledge from various sources. This includes external partners, employees, experts and any other available sources. 
    • Capturing knowledge can be done through meetings, technological tools, documentation and interviews. 
    • Knowledge Identification: When knowledge is retrieved, leaders need to identify the critical information and knowledge that is needed to for achieving organizational objectives and decision-making. This will include documented information also known as explicit knowledge and knowledge held by individuals also known as tacit knowledge.
    • Knowledge Organization: Systems for categorizing and organizing knowledge should always be established by leaders, this is to ensure that it is easily accessible to those who may need it. This may involve information hierarchies, knowledge repositories or creating databases. 
    • Preserving Knowledge: When capturing knowledge strategies for preserving critical knowledge should be implemented. The knowledge that is possessed by key individuals should also be included. Succession and mentoring planning can be included. 
    • Continuous Learning: Continuous learning is important and should be encouraged by leaders. Employees should seek out to gain new skills and knowledge. Professional development or supporting further education may be included. 
    • Decision Support: Knowledge Management should be something that directly supports decision-making within leadership roles. Knowledge that has been gathered should be used by the leaders to solve problems, develop strategies and make informed decisions. 
    • Change Management: Knowledge Management practices are something that should be implemented and may also require changes in processes and organizational culture. Leaders should always be ready and prepared to manage these changes effectively and address any kind of resistance. 
    • Knowledge Sharing: A culture of open knowledge and communication sharing is important. Team members should be encouraged by leaders to share their experiences and knowledge with others to create a collaborative environment. This can be done through platforms such as collaborative tools, intranets and wikis. 

    Using Knowledge Management effectively can promote a culture of innovation and learning, improve decision-making and enhance organizational performance. 

    It is wise to know that Knowledge Management is not a one-time thing and is an ongoing process that should always be integrated into an organization's leadership practices and strategic planning. 


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