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  • Lean Management

      Executive summary

      Lean management, often referred to as "Lean," is a management methodology focused on delivering customer value while minimizing waste in processes. It employs principles such as customer value identification, pull systems, value stream mapping, Total Quality Management (TQM), visual management, and Just-in-Time (JIT) to improve efficiency and reduce waste

    Lean management, something that is very often referred to as "Lean" is a management methodology and philosophy that originated within manufacturing. This has now been implemented in various sectors and industries.

    Lead management focuses on minimizing waste whilst also maximizing customer value. The main goal of Lean management or "Lean" is to create more value for their customers that involves less waste and smaller amounts of resources.Below we give you the key principles and concepts of Lean management:

    Customer Value: 

    Lean management works to identify what customers value and focus on delivering the value customers expect. 

    If there is something that does not ass value to the customer, it is considered to be waste. 

    Pull System: 

    Rather than pushing services and products into the system based on a schedule for production, lean management will often use what we call a pull system. The pull system allows items to be produced and delivered only when there is demand from the customers for that specific product. This helps to minimize the amount of waste and excess inventory that is not needed. 

    Value Stream Mapping:

    Value stream mapping requires mapping the whole series of activities or processes that are required to deliver products or services to customers. 

    Value stream mapping is used to identify any areas of inefficiency or waste. 

    Total Quality Management (TQM):

    Lean management tends to focus on quality. Total Quality Management (TQM) principles are often integrated with Lean Management initiatives to be sure that errors and defects are kept to a minimal amount. 

    Visual Management: 

    Lean Management will often use visual displays and tools to create information needed about problems that are easily visible to employees, performance and the process. This helps with problem-solving and also helps to promote transparency.

    Just-in-Time (JIT):

    Just in Time or JIT is a concept in lean management in which resources and materials are used or delivered just in time to meet the demand of the customers. 

    Using this method helps to reduce storage space and inventory costs whilst improving efficiency.

    Lean Management is not only something that you can apply to manufacturing but it can also be applied to software development, healthcare and even a range of service industries. 

    The idea behind lean management is to improve processes continuously, provide customers with value and eliminate waste where they can. 


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