This study examines the guidelines for fostering remote collaboration and shared creative work, investigating the key socio-technical preconditions necessary for effective collaboration among geographically distributed groups. Through empirical studies of two disparate online communities—an international collaboration of astrophysicists studying supernovae and a group of children creating and sharing animated stories and video games on the Scratch online platform—the research identifies commonalities and proposes guidelines for successful creative collaborations. Analysis of chat and comment logs, along with interviews with community members, informs the findings, highlighting the importance of facilitating sharing and play in systems supporting social creativity, and emphasizing the consideration of repurposing, augmentation, and behavior adaptation in design.
Aragon, Cecilia R., et al. "A tale of two online communities: Fostering collaboration and creativity in scientists and children." Proceedings of the seventh ACM conference on Creativity and cognition. 2009.
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