In this chapter, the term 'online community' is broadly defined to encompass all communities primarily existing online, as per Preece (2000). However, it is acknowledged that the term covers a diverse range of online activities, with different authors offering varying definitions. The chapter explores various factors shaping an online community's character, including its purpose (like health support, education, business, neighborhood activities), the supporting software environment (like listservers, bulletin boards, chat systems), and the community's governance structure. It also considers the norms and rules for social interaction, which differ significantly among communities. Other influential factors include the community's size, its life-cycle stage, the cultural backgrounds of its members, and whether the community has a physical component in addition to its virtual presence, as discussed by Lazar, Tsao, and Preece (1999).
Preece, Jenny, Diane Maloney-Krichmar, and Chadia Abras. "History of online communities." Encyclopedia of community 3.1023-1027 (2003): 86.
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