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This application will allow users from specific user groups to request to delete their accounts. All requests will be reviewed by Staff (admins), directly on ModeratorCP -> Delete Account Requests, to approve or deny the request. The whole user content (topics, posts, attachments, polls, etc.) will be preserved; only the account will be deleted.

  • Admins can choose which user groups can request to delete the account and how many posts a user must have to do it
  • Users can request to delete their accounts directly on Account Settings
  • The Staff will review each request to approve it or deny it on ModeratorCP -> Delete Account Requests
  • A Notification will be sent to Staff when there's a new deletion request
  • Each action of Staff (approve or deny a request) is logged on Moderator Logs


$20.00 · Renewal Term: $10.00/year


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