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3 Screenshots

This widget will display the following content from all contents available on your board, like Forums topics, Gallery images, Downloads files, Blog entries, Calendar events, and Pages records, ordered by the last post, so you can get fast access to your followed items when they got a new reply/comment. It also will display records from any 3rd party app that meets the requirement for IPS4 Content, such as Tutorials, Videos System, VideoBox, Raffles, Quizzes, Crowdfunding, etc.

Widget configurations:

  • It has the same configurations as a feed widget, such as:
    • Status
    • Pinned
    • Featured
    • Visibility
    • Author
    • Items from the last X days
    • Number of items to show
    • Groups to display the block.


  • SOURCE ITEMS: It will vary according to the applications you have installed on your board and if they meet the requirement for the IPS4 Content Item.
  • TEMPLATES: It uses, if available, templates from the feed widgets of each app. If it isn't available, then a basic list template will displayed instead.
  • PERMISSIONS: Users will view only items that he has permission to view.



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