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Members Social Info

10 Screenshots

Let your members set their social profile links and show them on their profiles, topic posts, and hovercard as a choice of stacked font-awesome icons or normal font-awesome icons, or upload your own icons, each icon is clickable to open a new window to their selected link

Application Settings

  • Create unlimited tabs ( categories ) to place the members social info settings in
  • There are 31 pre-set social info settings you can automatically add (The list is below )
    • Apart from the 31 pre-set you can create as many as you want there is no limit to the amount of social links you can create
  • Each social link can be shown from a choice of 4 different looks
    • Standard font-awesome icon
    • Font-awesome icon square stacked
    • Font-awesome icon circle stacked
    • Upload your own image
  • Icons are shown
    • On the members topics/posts
      • Choose from the info panel or under their posts
    • On the members hover-card
    • In the blocks on the members profiles
      • Choose to display the members social icons at the top or bottom of the members profile blocks
    • In the members search page ( when searching for a member )
  • Choose what user groups can use Members Social Info
  • Choose what user groups can see the Members Social Info icons

Admin/Moderator Settings (Member Profile Edit Settings)

  • Manually add/edit the users Member Social Info in their profile edit settings (If the mod has edit permissions)

Pre-Set Social Links Listed Below

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Google
  4. Instagram
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Odnoklassniki
  7. vKontakte
  8. Snapchat
  9. Tumblr
  10. YouTube
  11. Twitch
  12. Vine
  13. Vidme
  14. Smashcast
  15. Mixer
  16. PlayStation
  17. Xbox
  18. Origin
  19. Steam
  20. Skype
  21. Website
  22. GitHub
  23. Discord
  24. Reddit
  25. Deviantart
  26. Pinterest
  27. Flickr
  28. Foursquare
  29. Whats-app
  30. Artstation
  31. Toyhouse


$20.00 · Renewal Term: $5.00/6 months

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