- 3 replies
If you follow the news, one of the biggest and most consequential changes to the entire globe is the election of President Trump in America. And even if you live in another country, his election will likely have ramifications. Over the weekedn, the United States VP JD Vance criticized Europe for censoring social media, interfering in elections and violating the rights of Christians. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/2/14/vance-slams-europe-on-free-speech-migration-in-first-international-speech One of the biggest ones for tech companies and social media platforms - which is already happening for US tech companies - is a loosening of free speech. On one …
Last reply by Madhouse, -
- 14 replies
Did the site get restored or lose some content? I seem to be missing some content as if the site reset to a couple days ago? Links to messages are resulting in a 404 for example…
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 0 replies
Valentine's Day is coming up this weekend, which is a perfect excuse to host a "Love Your Members" theme, contest, or event. There are plenty of fun celebrations throughout the year, anchored by big seasonal ones such as Valentine's and Christmas. These are "easy" themes. The dates and context behind these holidays are well-known, well-understood, and easily adoptable. But it's also heavily overused and generic. Every forum tries to do a Christmas thing. Every forum tries to do a Valentine's thing. When your credit card company tries to send you a Christmas celebratory introductory rate on a new credit card, you know the holiday has become a bit overdone…
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 3 replies
BuzzFeed announced that it's creating its own social media platform called BFisland to "spread joy." The new platform will focus on positive content, interactive storytelling, and self-expression using AI tools. Although details are unclear, the platform will be designed to improve online connections. https://techcrunch.com/2025/02/11/buzzfeed-is-taking-on-instagram-tiktok-x-with-a-new-social-platform-designed-to-spread-joy/
Last reply by JoelR, -
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https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/481595-support-tickets-v4-to-v5/ Matt proposed a replacement of private forums for support tickets, where users can only see their own topics. This seems to be a very easy and simple replacement, and it uses existing capabilities in the forum.
Last reply by JoelR, -
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Everybody talks about community management. But I actually think that the #1 component of success behind your community management - and this is especially targeted at independent sites, hobbyists, and solopreneurs - is self management. What I mean by this is that, before you can run your community and spend time on your community, you need to make sure you manage yourself. Literally, how well do you manage your 'real world' life before you try to manage your 'digital life'? Do you have a stable job that can pay the bills, and have a little extra to pay for your forum hobby? Do you have a strong set of real world friends, social connections, and networking…
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 2 replies
How will American teenagers waste time now?? 🤣 On a serious note, there's likely to be a migration of TikTok audience - and an opportunity for community owners to refocus - to other established platforms like Google Shorts, Instagram Reels, or Twitch. And if you're sooking to stay with a Chinese owned app, the apparent replacements are RedNote or Lemon8.
Last reply by JoelR, -
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"Pixar uses a different tone and voice for each social network, which is a strategy that you don't see very often." https://futuresocial.beehiiv.com/p/pixar-social-media-strategy My thoughts: Nobody expects a community of one admin to be able to custom craft a different social media strategy per channel. However, Pixar did a per channel breakdown, which I thought was key and could help community managers pinpoint the channel they want. For example, if you're not targeting social trends or Gen Z, then skip TikTok.
Last reply by JoelR, -
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IPS is introducing the new TipTap editor with Invision Community 5, and it includes several near features like colored boxes along with standard rich text options. Do you create elaborate posts with rich formatting, such as for articles? Do you post other unusual items like math formulas, tables, embeds?
Last reply by JoelR, -
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Every year about this time, every webmaster and admin forum asks its members to share their New Year Resolutions for the next year. In over 15 years worth of admin forums, we haven't evolved this question. It's the same question, with often the same answers, every year. This year, I want to challenge community managers with a twist: what are your anti-goals and no goals? Anti Goals: the constraints that keep you aligned with your values No Goals: distractions or non-goals to keep you focused on what truly matters For example, say you’re striving to increase community engagement. Your goal might be to grow active participation by 10%, but your…
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 1 reply
The holidays, as well as some other parts of the year, can be a slowdown for most communities ... which can be a perfect time for admin work. It's quiet, usually you have some extra time off from work, and you can dedicate yourself to some community projects. Do you plan any community upgrades or server work? (If only Invision Community 5 were released before the holidays!) Do you audit your terms and policies? Jot down annual notes or capture major updates? Do a lookback of your last years worth of ideas and projects?
Last reply by opentype, -
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There's a nuance to this question. I didn't ask what do you plan to do differently for your community, I asked what do you - specifically, as an individual - plan to do differently in 2025? What skills do you want to learn? What efficiencies do you want to implement? What time do you want to allocate more thoughtfully? Running an independent community often means understanding ourselves the most. We are often the biggest reasons for our community's success, its potential failure, its sails to speed faster and its anchors to drag slower. How are we managing ourselves in the new year, before we manage our community?
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 9 replies
Of course, with an impending release of a major new version of Invision, app development was always going to slow down. But is there a serious problem now? Last year when Invision closed their Marketplace, it felt like a mistake to me. But having been a client of Invision for only a few months at the time, I did not comment because my knowledge of the product was too shallow. I claim no great depth now, but I have observed both the instant change when the Marketplace closed, and the pessimism from developers about the future since the beta release of v5. And although I do not properly understand the technicalities of it, the removal of hooks seems have caused a high …
Last reply by Como, -
- 5 replies
IPS has been positioning cloud as its primary set of options for several years now. There are different tiers of cloud, with more features on higher tier. The pricing page prioritizes cloud (and makes it difficult to find self hosted / on premise option). Are you already on cloud?
Last reply by bernhara, -
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This is a question about behavioral design. Imagine that you're a member of a popular forum that you enjoy, but it's been a few weeks or months since you last visited. When you come back, you're swamped with both catching up on topics that you previously followed. What do you do? Do you try to read through all of the threads? Do you read through some of the threads? Would you trust an AI summary? Scan through the posts marked as helpful?
Last reply by JoelR, -
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https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/480706-storage-settings-multiple-file-storage-locations-will-be-deprecated-in-a-future-release/page/3/#findComment-2985506 If you run a media rich forum (or just want to scale your storage for the future), IPS is *officially* expanding its support to Backblaze in the near future. IPS has always allowed Amazon S3 and has allowed clients to drop in S3 compatible storage in the past, but this is the first time they've publicly talked about their Backblaze can be a significantly cheaper alternative to Amazon S3 since it's part of the Cloudflare alliance. As long as your egress is less than x3 of your storage, you pay no …
Last reply by JoelR, -
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For those of you who have an existing community and are ready to upgrade to Invision Community v5 once it becomes available, what are you communicating? Are you walking them through what features are being deprecated (like username sign-ons)? Are you showing them theme changes?
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 5 replies
This is not a custom request... just yet! 🙂 But I'd like to know if any author is working on a IPS V5 replacement/update for the Status Updates. I guess I'm not the only one who would like to keep existing Status Updates and keep that section going, so I wonder if there will be a third party app that one could buy from this marketplace or directly from the author. While not opposed to commissioning something like this, I have so many custom apps that will require updates, that any (paid) apps made for everyone's consumption would help, particularly when it comes to deprecated areas which is shared problem by many.
Last reply by V0RT3X, -
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IPS is starting to roll out general upgrade information directly in the ACP Dashboard to prepare admins for the upgrade to v5. It's a good warning about major changes and deprecations, so you're not surprised.
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 1 reply
And just when we thought 4.7 was feature frozen because all of the work is being committed to v5, IPS surprises us with Report Center improvements. My personal favorite of this feature update is that you can create email templates, to notify the user who reported the content of the resolution. Was the content actually investigated? Was the content actually removed? Invision Community 4: A more professional report center - Invision Community - Invision Community
Last reply by JoelR, -
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I am receiving an error every time I try and update an app in the marketplace. Any particular reason why this is happening?
Last reply by Jon Erickson, -
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From Feverbee / Richard Millington One of my personal critiques about this Maslow-inspired hierarchy is that it presumes you must always build your community in layer by layer. Communities can actually focus on any one of those layers on its own merits, but your circle of impact will become much tighter and more focused.
Last reply by JoelR, -
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Angela Jin, former Head of Programs & Contributor Experience at Automattic, reflects on her departure from Automattic and the WordPress community, expressing concern over the recent changes to the WordPress Code of Conduct, which she believes can be weaponized against community members. https://angelasjin.com/2024/10/21/on-community-code-of-conducts/
Last reply by JoelR, -
- 7 replies
Should a member be able to see the feedback from the user reports? I have never had the issue where things have been reported, that has made me aware that the user never heard back. I always assumed when a team member replied, they would go with that message, but it doesn't seem to be the case for my community. Is this normal? Is the feedback just an internal thing between team members, or should members be able to see the responses? If so, what I do to change this?
Last reply by Como, -
- 24 replies
Hi, I am Dilip, been running forums and blogs for around 15 years now. Somewhere around 2010, I started learning graphics to meet my needs for Logos, Banners, custom emojis, node icons, simple animated videos and more. Been offering graphics services since ~ 2015 I do a decent 2D and some 3D as well. You can check the Showcase thread on my forum for some recent works I made this video to promote my services this Holiday season Feel free to ping me if you have any graphics needs. Will do my best to give you the best possible image / video.
Last reply by Dilip,
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