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🤔​ Thought of the Day: Spiky growth is created by consistent effort

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"A lot of your growth will come from a small number of outlier hits." But you have to keep swinging at the bat.  

Do you have a content calendar where you consistently produce?  You can't always control which of your items goes viral, but you can control how often you post.  

Could contain: Gray, Book, Publication, Text, Art

Inspired by Jay Clouse of Creator Science

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Molecular biologist Francis Crick, who famously helped discover the structure of DNA, explains the importance of taking many shots:

"It is amateurs who have one big bright beautiful idea that they can never abandon. Professionals know that they have to produce theory after theory before they are likely to hit the jackpot."

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When I was new to blogging, I had a content calendar, but as the blog gradually started receiving traffic, I stopped creating a content calendar and instead published whenever I wanted. When I created an online community, I created a content calendar but since community is basically a collective work and you cannot go on creating topic or replying to your own topic, it was not possible to stay withing the calendar.

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