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Revolutionizing Meetings in Online Communities: A Collaborative Approach


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Traditional dialogues and meetings often suffer from an imbalance of power. Subordinates, aware of their superior’s authority to reward or punish, may withhold candid opinions, stifling creativity and initiative. This post explores a transformative approach to meetings, encouraging managers to adopt a collaborative style, boosting engagement and idea exchange.

The Challenge of Traditional Meetings

Typically, meetings in a business context, especially those involving superiors and subordinates, are riddled with hidden agendas and a lack of candor. This results in frustration, boredom, and a low level of accomplishment. The root cause? A constant, unspoken reminder of the hierarchy and power dynamics at play. Managers, often judgmental in their approach, focus on their authority to make decisions, inadvertently stifling innovation and engagement from their team members.

A New Paradigm: Collaborative Management

The key to more effective and rewarding meetings lies in transforming the management style from judgmental to collaborative. In a collaborative setting, managers share power and act as partners rather than authoritative figures. This shift requires a change in mindset - from seeing control as the primary tool for effectiveness to valuing cooperation and open idea-sharing.

Strategies for Collaborative Meetings

  • Set Clear Expectations: Clearly articulate what is expected and when, breaking down tasks with specific deadlines to avoid last-minute panics and miscommunications.
  • Systematize Follow-Up: Use digital tools for tracking progress and automated reminders. Systems like Asana or Monday.com can be invaluable in this respect, providing a clear overview of who is responsible for what and the current status of tasks.
  • Incorporate Flexibility: Understand that deadlines may sometimes be missed. Build in buffer times for tasks, setting internal deadlines ahead of actual ones to allow for revisions and unforeseen delays.
  • Foster an Environment of Trust and Respect: Encourage open dialogue where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas without fear of judgment. This involves recognizing and valuing each team member's contributions.
  • Emphasize Constructive Feedback: Instead of focusing on flaws, managers should encourage solutions and constructive discussions. Each idea, regardless of its initial feasibility, should be explored for its potential value.
  • Delegate Decision Making: Empower team members by delegating decision-making authority. This not only boosts their confidence but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Recognize and Reward Effort: Acknowledge the hard work and ideas contributed by team members. Praise and positive reinforcement can significantly enhance motivation and commitment.


Transforming meetings from a traditional, hierarchical model to a collaborative one can dramatically improve the dynamics within an online community. By adopting a non-judgmental, collaborative approach, managers can inspire their teams to be more open, innovative, and engaged, leading to greater satisfaction and productivity. In this digital age, where remote interactions are the norm, redefining the structure and purpose of meetings is not just beneficial but essential for the success of any online community.

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