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AI in Forums


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The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into online forums and communities has not yet swept across our digital landscape. It's transforming the way we interact, manage, and evolve in many other spaces. But, as with any revolution, it brings its mix of excitement and apprehension.

  • How has AI impacted your experience in online communities? Are you noticing more efficient moderation, personalized content, or perhaps something else?
  • AI can automate and enhance, but it also raises concerns about authenticity and privacy. What are your thoughts on striking the right balance between AI's efficiency and maintaining the human touch in our interactions?
  • Looking ahead, what potential do you see for AI in further shaping online communities? Are we on the brink of a new era of digital interaction, or do we risk losing the essence of human connection?

Whether you view AI as a groundbreaking tool or a double-edged sword, there's no denying its growing influence in our virtual domains. Let's delve into how this technological tide is reshaping our online experiences, for better or worse. Share your insights, concerns, and predictions – after all, the future of our digital community is in our collective keystrokes.

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I have not seen any forums using AI, however, I have seen a lot of people using AI-generated content on forums. Some forums are very strict regarding the use of AI-generated content. They can terminate your account for using AI-generated content. Interestingly, I am using a forum where we discuss different kinds of AI tools and the impact of AI on society.

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IPS leaks a future use case of AI for forum administration.

Most of the time, when I see forum admins discussing AI, they discuss user-facing content such as actually replying, generating topic titles, generating tags.    

This is more of a back-end application that I found to be very interesting, and builds upon IPS' use of machine learning for sentiment analysis and Community Hive:

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I do not know about the existence of any AI tools for community management and tools to track PII. However, I know a plugin for WordPress that integrates GPT for content management. The plugin is paid and I have no experience using it. I think it would be interesting to use AI tools for community management.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At this time I cannot say that I have seen any forums using AI for things such as moderation or automated systems that they may need to use. 

One thing I am noticing more of which is created by AI is AI-written content, it does seem that many are now using that which I feel we are going to see a lot more of as time passes by and AI develops more. 

AI tools for community management would be ideal for those of us who lead a community though. 


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  • 3 months later...

I have not seen a whole lot of integration of AI on communities I frequent but AI content taken from AI options such as ChatGPT is something I am noticing is becoming more popular over time. 

I have no issues with people using AI-generated content to help them with content on their community but changing it up a little is something I would like to see more of. 

It will be interesting to see what AI integrations we see in the future. 

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I have yet to see AI integration within communities. So far all I have seen is a lot of members within communities using content that has been generated by AI to build content which is something I am against and always have been. 

I too am interested in what AI integrations we may see going forward. 

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I have seen some community owners using AI. They let AI reply to every topic created. Just like other Generative AI tools, the replies are too generic and does not add value to the discussion. I don't know what's the point of using AI to create replies. 

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