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Sunlight or Shadow: How Should We Tackle Extremist Content on Social Platforms?

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"Sunlight is the best disinfectant" – this adage often surfaces in debates about handling extremist content on large social platforms. The idea is that exposing such content to public scrutiny, rather than suppressing it, could be a more effective way to combat harmful ideologies. But is this approach truly effective, or does it risk giving these dangerous views a broader audience and more influence?

  • Do you think exposing extremist content to the light of public discussion is an effective way to counter it, or does it inadvertently amplify harmful messages?
  • How can online communities strike the right balance between open discourse and preventing the spread of extremist ideologies?
  • In your experience, what proactive measures can community managers take to educate and prepare their members for encountering and responding to such content? Do you even think this is your responsibility? 

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Managing these challenges in the vast, interconnected world of social media requires thoughtful strategies and a deep understanding of the potential impacts. Whether it’s through exposure, discussion, or other means, finding the most effective way to disinfect our digital spaces from extremism is crucial. Let's dive into this complex topic and explore the best paths forward. 🌐🔍🗣️

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We need to promote free speech and should allow people to speak their minds. However, speaking freely shouldn't be interpreted in the extreme sense. We need to write it down in the guidelines what is allowed and what is not allowed. If someone is violating this rule, they should be sent a reminder and if they continue doing it, they should be banned. We cannot let all apples rot in order to allow one rotten apple to sit inside the bag.

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I believe in tolerance but this does not mean I will tolerate extremists. I am against people are are proponents of extremism. When I have the power to take action, I will delete extreme content and send a warning. When I have no power, I will report the content and expect people with power to take action. I do this on social sites as well as online communities.

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I feel there is a fine line between allowing free speech and then tolerating extremism and you have to be careful with that. 

Many will believe that because you do not tolerate extremism then you are not allowing free speech and that is something that needs to be addressed in things such as policies and guidelines so that all members are aware of your stance regarding free speech.  

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On 1/18/2024 at 4:33 PM, Shortie said:

I feel there is a fine line between allowing free speech and then tolerating extremism and you have to be careful with that. 

Many will believe that because you do not tolerate extremism then you are not allowing free speech and that is something that needs to be addressed in things such as policies and guidelines so that all members are aware of your stance regarding free speech.  

One of the easiest ways to tackle extreme content is clearly mentioning in the guidelines what kind of content is allowed what is not allowed. Some topis can easily get extreme content, for instance political and religious debate, so if you avoid these topics, there is a less chance that you will get extreme content

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