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Do you prefer to use the word community or forum?

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As webmasters, we often have our preference as to whether we call it a forum or a community. 

I have always called it a forum but will admit that I am starting to use the term community a lot more now too which feels, a lot more tight-knit and sounds better for what we are building, a community. 

What word do you prefer to use when it comes to your forum or community? 

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I am not rigid, I use forum and community interchangeably. Sometimes I refer to my communities as forums and forums as community. Generally speaking, if I want to refer to it as a website, I usually use the word forum, and when I want to refer to a discussion board, I use the word community.

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I do not see much difference in the words like forums, community, or even discussion boards. I use all of these words and I have no specific rules for usage. I use the word that comes in my mind at the given moment.

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Even though I use the words community and forum frequently, I believe community sounds better than forum. The word forum looks too technical, where as the word community gives a sense of engagement and networking.

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