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Reputation Enhancements

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Today using the Reputation system, users can choose one of three choices

1. Agree

2. Not agree

3. In Doubt

I want to limit those 3 choices to appear only for the first post and on specific forums and groups that can be voted to. Also, I need to see the percentage of the voters on the topic.

Please send me a quote for this project, thank you! 🙂


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That part would indeed require a modification, but it would be feasible.


Reactions/reputations in v4 are handled by traits, and it's not possible to extend/overload/modify them easily. I've hit a wall trying to add features there multiple times in the past. 🤷‍♂️

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The poll shows above the first post usually, but it can be moved below for those specific forums with the setting enabled (or all of them regardless).

Restricting the automatic poll to only specific forums and groups is certainly an option that can be added, too.

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The reaction system is great and was my first choice to go with, but I need the reaction to appear only in the first post. and I understand it's complicated to customize the reaction system. i could pass the reaction percentage add-on, but choices to appear only in the first post is mandatory.

Edited by Live Games
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This post was recognized by JoelR!

"Technical Answer of the Week"

V0RT3X was awarded 1 points.

1 hour ago, Live Games said:

but I need the reaction to appear only in the first post.

Quick and dirty:

Open the template forums -> front -> topics -> post and find ...

{template="reputation" group="global" app="core" params="$comment"}

Change to ...

{{if $comment->isFirst()}}
	{template="reputation" group="global" app="core" params="$comment"}


Could contain: File, Webpage, Person, Page, Text

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On 2/5/2024 at 8:41 PM, Live Games said:

Thank you for the great idea. I will be glad to get a quote from a free developer.

What do you mean by this as to me this sounds contradictory? 

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