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What's the longest you've gone without visiting your own site?

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There is a Proboards forum I frequent now and then, and the person who set it up goes - literally - years between visits. It causes problems because he's the only one who can assign new admins. 😐

As for me, a few days at most without a visit. And, usually, I visit every day.

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13 hours ago, Como said:

There is a Proboards forum I frequent now and then, and the person who set it up goes - literally - years between visits. It causes problems because he's the only one who can assign new admins. 😐

As for me, a few days at most without a visit. And, usually, I visit every day.

Okay as soon as you said Proboards, I knew it would be a long time LOL. Those have been around forever! 

Has the admin assigned new admins that can step in? Or is it still run by once person? Has it caused a problem with anything, like spam, can't clean up certain boards, etc? 

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, JoelR said:

Okay as soon as you said Proboards, I knew it would be a long time LOL. Those have been around forever! 

Has the admin assigned new admins that can step in? Or is it still run by once person? Has it caused a problem with anything, like spam, can't clean up certain boards, etc? 

There are a few admins now. The owner logged in a couple of years ago to update the admin list. But they cannot appoint new admins, and if - heaven forbid - they needed to remove an admin, no one could do this (and the owner is not contactable). They really need to set up a new forum, but they are reluctant to do this because of the archive. Besides, it is so slow moving and unpressured, the admins seem happy to stick around. It is a bit bizarre though.

And with Proboards, you cannot even properly transfer ownership. Yes, you can transfer ownership, but if the original owner, using the original registration email address contacts Proboards and claims ownership of a forum (which has been transferred to a new owner), it would be returned to him.

Edited by Como
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