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GenAI: The Next Step or Just Another Pilot?


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As more organizations begin to experiment with Generative AI (GenAI), community managers and professionals find themselves in a unique position. While many have used AI personally, integrating it into the daily workflow of community management is still far from mainstream. What’s holding us back?

Our current situation is one of trial and error, with most professionals experimenting with GenAI but not fully embracing it yet. The key hurdles?

  • A lack of expertise
  • Challenges in integrating GenAI with existing technologies
  • Ongoing legal concerns.

But as major enterprise platform vendors prepare to unveil their GenAI features, the question remains: How can communities leverage these tools effectively?

So, what does the future look like for GenAI in online communities? Will it revolutionize engagement, or is it just another pilot phase waiting to fizzle out? How can we upskill and prepare for deeper integration of GenAI, and what steps can we take now to ensure we’re not left behind?

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