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Owning the Transactional Community Model


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Not all online communities are meant for deep engagement or long-lasting relationships. Many, like Microsoft Answers, exist solely to solve a specific problem quickly and efficiently. If you're building or managing a transactional community, where the goal is to answer questions and move on, it's essential to embrace this model fully. In these spaces, people are not looking for friendships or ongoing discussions; they just need a solution to a problem, such as fixing an issue in Excel.

A well-organized transactional community aligns everything toward one goal: helping members find answers fast. For instance, a community’s name, tagline, and calls to action should make it clear that the main purpose is solving problems. The content, layout, and metrics—like average response time—should all focus on efficient problem resolution.

But how can you balance this transactional nature with maintaining growth and relevance? Is it possible to encourage some users to stick around longer or contribute more deeply, even in a community designed to be a quick-stop solution? Could a transactional forum grow into something more robust, or is it better to let it serve its focused purpose? How do you gauge success in these communities beyond deflection and problem-solving?

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