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Rethinking Online Communities: The Shift to a Member-Centric Approach


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As online communities continue to grow, many organizations still follow an outdated playbook focused on control rather than connection. Too often, organizations prioritize their own needs—such as clear goals, measurable metrics, and controllable platforms—over the desires of their community members. But is this really the best approach?

What if we shifted to a member-centric model? This would involve putting the needs and experiences of community members first, even if it means less control for the organization. After all, whether members are engaging on hosted forums or independent platforms like Reddit, the results—whether it's increased loyalty, shared best practices, or community-driven insights—can be powerful.

The challenge is clear: how do we trade control for results? What strategies could community builders use to foster engagement across platforms they don’t own? Can empowering members with more autonomy lead to stronger, more loyal communities?

Let’s discuss how community leaders can break free from the traditional mindset and embrace the future of online community management by giving more power to the people who matter most—members.

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