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Existing IPS4 deployment references for design and implementation inspiration

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Hello Everyone,

I am currently setting up my forum and looking for some well built IPS4 deployments that could serve as design and implementation inspiration.

If you could kindly point me to some well done IPS4 communities, I would appreciate it a lot.

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On themes, I have purchased and setup a theme from IPS Themes (https://www.ipsfocus.com/)

Just wanted to see overall how well run communities setup their forums. 

I did try to find in Google the websites using IPS4 and found some nice ones. It's more of me trying to explore the capabilities of what's available in IPS4. I am also getting upto speed by reading the IPS4 Official Help guide section, so in addition to that seeing those features deployed in an existing community would serve as an example for me to learn, that's the idea. 

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Thank you very much @JoelR

I observed what you said about pure forum deployments being not much different from each other while looking at a few IPS4 based forums. 

Pages looks like you can build out a professional looking website with a forum instead of having a pure forum look. 

I found opentype's website (opentype.space) and will check out his work in detail. 

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Opentype actually has several sites, and because his background is typography, the design and theming are always beautifully done.  

Pages is the "secret weapon" of the IPS suite of application.  

For some ideas of how to use Pages, you can check out the Resources section of this site.  I've been quietly building several databases of content, from articles to dictionary to quotes. 

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