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Rewarding Good Behavior Without the Pitfalls: Smart Incentives for Community Managers


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Want to encourage positive behavior in your online community? Great incentives can boost engagement, but it's easy for reward systems to go off track. The key is to keep things simple and think ahead. Economist Steven Levitt suggests creating straightforward incentives that are tough to game. Before launching a reward, try to imagine how someone might exploit it—then tweak your plan to avoid those traps.

One fun approach is to include real-life “easter eggs” in your community interactions—little surprises or rewards for those who go above and beyond or find clever ways around challenges. This not only keeps things engaging but adds personality to your community. How do you strike the right balance between rewarding members and avoiding unintended consequences? What are some creative ways to encourage good behavior that don't backfire?

Let’s brainstorm ideas for thoughtful incentives that keep the focus on building a stronger, more positive community.

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