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Cedric last won the day on October 28 2023

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  1. Cedric

    On 2024

    Happy New Year.
  2. Simple, it's because you're a trustworthy person and people like sharing their life story to. My advise, be respectful and have a chat. It's good for community building. It only takes a few minutes and often brings a smile to their face and have a good day. I've always been a good listener to my members and I know they appreciate a good pep talk.
  3. If I understand what you're saying with building too much for conversation, isn't that the point of a forum? A blog/website will always serve its purpose better for action or takeaways, but a forum is still in the end, a forum. A place to discuss and have conversations. Which is not possible on websites. They are just two different platforms and forums don't need to be converted to websites. They aren't build for that.
  4. Thanks. We don't reward users for posting in forum games, or AMA's, nor any private forums like the Premium Lounge. It is however enabled in the general discussion. Members need to be able to let go some steam. It's great to have meaningful discussions but sometimes we don't want to do them, we just want to chat with fellow members and have a little fun. What we do is encourage as much as we can to engage in our webmaster discussions, placing it on top and only showing posts in the what's new page from the webmaster category. They are usually the place to make longer posts compared to general discussion and the DragonByte credits system is a featured packed add on which allows us to rewards more credits for longer posts and threads. Truth is, people expect rewards nowadays. Not saying my members are ungrateful - it's a general thing I've seen the whole scene gear towards to. The scene has definitely changed the last couple of years and being a community leader is even more hard work now compared to years ago. People have transitioned more into a lurker mode and as a community leader it's our job to engage with our members, create discussions, create activity. It's the same when I browse on other forums. If I read 10 topics/posts, there's probably only 1 or 2 I want to reply to. So naturally, I expect the same behavior on AJ. That's why it's important to have a decent influx of topics and posts being active. But I'm very glad with the success on AJ and I try to be humble and show gratitude at all times.
  5. I would love to know what unique approach I could go with Admin Junkies without killing it. I mean, there is stuff on AJ which isn't unique but it works, we do a good job on providing it. And I do like to think outside the box but not all those ideas work. There are also features we'll likely drop in the future. There are indeed similar forums to AJ, and we try to do the job and implementation better than our competition.
  6. Was reading your topic and my attention fell on the image that's on the right. Thought it was from a different topic but upon clicking the image, the one from the middle popped up. Two different images, which makes me believe there might be a bug? Not that this is really disruptive but thought I'd let you know. Was
  7. I agree. In today’s standards, both are equally important.
  8. It takes a lot of courage to admit you’ve been doing wrong. Invisioneer is definitely one if a kind and I hope it will work out for you Joel. You often make great insightful posts 👍 I like how you say that the site represents 4 years experience. Also, I’ve said this before but there’s too much “misleading” items/content that this is for IPS clients exclusively. I know you said that wasn’t the case. But I’m on my mobile now so next time when I’m on my desktop, I’ll take a few screenshots so you know what I’m talking about. I’ve asked before and saw others also asking this but you never seem to give an answer to it. Your other community which has over 50.000 members, which niche is that and do you have a link? Or would you rather keep it private? If that’s the case and if you don’t mind me asking: why? To close off, you’re a great guy. And I always enjoy reading your posts! Keep it up.
  9. This is a good topic. A problem I have seen posting about many times before. Their technical admin disappears or in unfortunate events, passes away. Leaving the community with no back end access to web hosting, licenses, or anything else for that matter. I always advise to have a trustworthy partner who also has access to the back end, in case something happens. Otherwise, you're pretty much doomed. There is no recovery process. And at one point, your community will cease to exist and force them to restart.
  10. That's a good point. One that needs to be considered before making a forum. Often people benefit more from a blog rather than a community. For me, I like to provide information on about the differences in forum software, free and paid through my blog FreeForumHosting.com, while giving them the option to go seek advice on our community platform Admin Junkies. I've posted articles on both Admin Junkies and FreeForumHosting.com and comparing the Google results, FreeForumHosting.com has better results despite it being new. Google prefers a blog to push content on.
  11. Anonymously posting is in fear for reaction. I don't see how this would benefit here. If it were a debate forum, that I could understand.
  12. Wonderful news. I believe the more the merrier really. Developers need to receive the recognition they deserve! Well done all.
  13. I'm really excited with the new announced features. I honestly can't wait to see more and it makes me question my future on XenForo. The development on IC compared to XenForo is miles better and has way more innovative features where as XenForo is adding features to their core that are already available due 3rd party add ons. Let me be clear: I prefer XenForo for one reason: that is the diverse possibilities due to the 3rd part developers. If it wasn't for them, I'd go Invision instantly. I have always had a love for IC since I used it over 20 years ago. Despite the higher price on IC and the innovation behind the software, my preference could easily be changed in the near future.
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