This app adds a new "who's online" widget with user avatars.
Better Stats Pro is an advanced application that integrates the functionalities of two built-in widgets: "Member Statistics" and "Forum Statistics", creating one comprehensive widget. It is an extended version of my free plugin "Better Statistics".
In this version, users can sort/add/remove tiles according to their preferences. Additionally, new features have been introduced, such as: total number of banned users and total number of reactions on the page.
The module is optimized. What does it mean? Undisplayed tiles in the widget are not counted, so the page will not count unused statistics.
This modification adds a legend to groups set by the site owner.
This modification adds a topic counter to each section.
This plugin adds a reputation level look similar to older IPS versions. Live settings can be changed from the editor.
An app that combines the code from two built-in widgets called "Member Statistics" and "Forum Statistics" into one.
Popp Theme [Dark/Light]
A new template for your forum straight from the author. It has many built-in functions. It will be enhanced with additional features in future updates.
( IPS version 4.7 )
----- DEMO -----
u: demo
p: demo
The template requires the Better Statistics plugin, I recommend installing this plugin before installing the template.