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  1. $60 · Renewal Term: $18/6 months
    VideoBox is an application that allows sharing videos, the best choice to run your own Movies/TV Shows website.
    Live demo: http://demo.ipsappzone.com/video/
    2 display modes: Grid view & List view. Categories/subcategories. Custom fields for video's information.  Protected custom fields that only display for logged members, or who liked the video. Search videos by custom fields. Video Collections: create/edit/remove the collections for your videos. Widgets: top poster, top videos, random videos, featured videos in a slider, collections in a carousel, quick search by custom fields,... Pages system: easy to create a new page with custom content. Uploading or using external video URL (supports: mp4, m4v, webm, m3u8, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion). Using VideoJS to play video formats: mp4, m4v, webm. Support VTT captions, preroll video for advertising purpose *New* Watermark on the video player. Media Tags system to define your custom player embedded from any video services (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion...). Live Streams from Twitch.tv and Youtube.com Ability to post a topic when a video is submitted *New* Tags Filter *New* View video in lightbox *New* Friendly URL. Comment system. Rating system. Following system. Clubs Reactions Supports Nexus (Commerce) to sell and buy videos. *New* Supports all Points systems. *New* Points for new video Points for new comment Points for new review Points for reaction Lazyload  *New* Tags. Latest Videos RSS feed.
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  2. $32 · Renewal Term: $10/6 months
    Slider Maker is an application that allows you to create professional sliders, responsive layout and touch support for mobile devices. You can manually build your sliders by adding images, videos, content, animated layers. Or adding slides automatically from Clubs, Forums, Downloads, Calendar, Gallery, Pages, Videobox.
    It’s focused on performance, stability, accessibility to providing the best experience for user experience in mind. Providing a clean and intuitive user interface in ACP and a smooth experience for the end-users.
    Back-end features:
    Create and manage sliders with a clean and intuitive user interface in ACP. Customize the slides with different layers: Heading, Content, Image, Video (Youtube & Vimeo). Sort slides and layers with a simple drag and drop. Easy remove or duplicate a slide. Auto builds a slider from content items (supports Clubs, Forums, Pages, Downloads, Gallery, Blog, Calendars, Our Picks, Nexus Products, Videobox, Tutorials). Auto generates random CSS backgrounds for content items that have no images. Export and import allow you to create backups or move sliders between installations.  Preview all your changes directly in the ACP. Breakpoints to change the configuration of the slider depending on screen size. Permission to view sliders. Front-end features:
    Fully Responsive Touch swipe Transition effects: Fade & Slide Carousel layout Animated and static layers Full Width and Full Window Full screen Auto Height Infinite scrolling Keyboard navigation Thumbnails Lazy loading Video support (Youtube and Vimeo). Different sized images JavaScript breakpoints Display slider in IPS widget (top, bottom, sidebar), or using slider's code to templates to display it everywhere. *NEW* Viewing content in a popup (supports Downloads, Forums, Pages, Calendars, Videobox) Examples:
    https://demo.ipsappzone.com/slidermaker/example1.html/ (Gallery with animated layers and thumbnails) https://demo.ipsappzone.com/slidermaker/example2.html/ (Slider with animated layers) https://demo.ipsappzone.com/slidermaker/example3.html/ (Carousel)
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  3. $15 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    EasyPopup is a simple application to create the modal popups for your site. 
    Some features:
    Width/Height for your popup. Transition open/close: FadeIn/FadeOut, SlideIn, SlideUp, SlideDown, SlideBack. Transition speed. Positions: Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Middle Left, Middle Center, Middle Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Center, Bottom Right Background color. HTML content or upload image. Supports advertisement tag in the HTML code: {advertisement="key"} Auto close and show timer on popup. Showing popups every page loads or every X minutes. Waiting for X milisecond to show. Easy to determine URL where to show popups.  IPS Member Filter System to show popups. (filter by groups, content count, joined date, last posted, last visited, reputation, member of the day....) Demo: http://demo.ipsappzone.com/easypopup.html/
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  4. $15 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    This application allows you to showcase testimonials on your site.
    Demo: http://demo.ipsappzone.com/testimonials/
    Main Features:
    Display testimonials friendly on sliders. There are 3 slider's styles. Option to sort descending/ascending or random. Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices). Support caterories. Enable/Disable Title on testimonial. Enable/Disable Rating on testimonial. Enable/Disable testimonial must be approved by moderators. Enable/Disalbe other informations: Company, Job, Website. Permissions to View, Submit and Manage. Fully manageable (edit, show/hide, delete). RSS for latest testimonials
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  5. $16 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    Beautiful responsive Sliders or Gridview for IPS
    Fully responsive - will adapt to any device. Flexible customization for sliders: horizontal/vertical random mode, autoplay, speed, duration, button,... Gridview *New* Auto gets contents from IPS applications: Pages, Forums, Gallery, Downloads, Clubs, Commerce Auto gets contents from Videobox. Auto gets contents from RSS URL. Add custom contents manually, easy manage them, drag & drop to sort the contents, click to edit the title, upload image, link, Auto creates and saves cache for thumbnails. Support widgets, easy to drag and place them to your site. Lazyload (IPS 4.4+) *New* Viewing content in a popup (supports Forums, Downloads, Pages, Videobox) *New* Demo: https://demo.ipsappzone.com/fcontent.html/
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  6. $60 · Renewal Term: $15/6 months
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  7. $15 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    Youtube Importer is an application allows you to import Youtube videos to Forums, Pages, and Videobox manually or automatically.
    - Import videos from Youtube feed: User, Channel, Playlist, Search Term
    - Import videos to Forums.
    - Import videos to Pages.
    - Import videos to Videobox.
    - Creating tasks to import videos automatically.
    - Running task manually to import latest 10 videos or all videos in channel, user feed, playlist.
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  8. $15 · Renewal Term: $6/6 months
    This plugin provides search form that will search any content with autocomplete functionality and show results with thumbnails for applications: Downloads, Forums (Topic Thumbnail required), Pages, Gallery, Blog, Calendar, Videobox, Musicbox, Tutorials 
    Enable/Disable plugin. Permissions for member groups. Max results. Search incomplete words Find results in Content titles only  |  Content titles and body Search Mode: OR / AND Set default search type for all pages Show category and author in search results. Display Quick Search in mobile & tablet *NEW* Demo: http://demo.ipsappzone.com
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  9. $16 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    Main Features:
    Display thumbnails of topics in the main forum view. Topic's authors or member groups that you specify can change thumbnails. They can choose a thumbnail from images in topic content, external URL, or upload from computer. Ability to generate the thumbnail from Youtube,  Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Wistia. Using Ajax, no need to reload the page after changing the thumbnails. Support "Gallery View Mode" with big images in a responsive grid. (credits to Masonry) Widget to display new topics with thumbnails. Option to replace Forum Icons with Topic Thumbnail. Thumbnails in search results, activity. Permissions for viewing and changing thumbnails. A Toggle Show/Hide for members. Support IPS Clubs. Live Demo: 
    https://demo.ipsappzone.com/forum/3-test-1/  (small thumbnails)
    https://demo.ipsappzone.com/forum/4-test-2/ (gridview)
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  10. $15 · Renewal Term: $6/6 months
    This application allows adding cover images or HTML in forum view quickly and easily.
    Show a single image or multiple images (slider style) in the top of forum view. Support HTML. Admin can edit Cover in ACP, or set permission for groups to edit in forum view. Various customization options for slider style such as navigation buttons, auto slide, max height, interval, transition effect, display forum's title & description in cover. Fully responsive. Demo: https://demo.ipsappzone.com/forum/2-a-test-forum/
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  11. $16 · Renewal Term: $8/6 months
    This is an application will get topics in the selected forums or clubs, and display as a feed with essential enhancements:
    Quick reply. Reactions. Ajax Paginations. Ajax for edit/delete/hide/unhide/lock/unlock options Option to set widget's title. Option to set how topics should be loaded per page. Option to truncate lines. Option to enable/disable rich text. Option to show/hide the topic's title. Automated title. User will no need to enter the title when posting a new topic.  Creating multiple feeds and easy to manage them in different groups. Each feed has a unique page with friendly URL. Ability to use a Widget to display a feed. Supports Lazyload. Supports Clubs.
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  12. $20 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    This is an application to allow users to create friendships with others.
    Users can send friend requests to others Notification when: Receiving a friend request A friend request has been accepted. User can manage the notifications (disable/enable, use email/inline-notification) Displaying friends: Friends icon on top navigation displays in all pages. Friends tab in profile page. 1 click to send PM, Chat (requires Chatbox+) Easy to search friends. Privacy settings can allow users to set certain actions: Who can view your Profile. Who can send your Personal Message. Who can view your friends in profile. Widget to display random people you may know in slider or grid view. Mutual friends in widget and profile page. Thanks to @christopher-w for sponsoring 🙂 
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  13. $17 · Renewal Term: $6/6 months
    This plugin will hide LINKS, CODE, IMAGES and [HIDE] in articles from Pages app.
    Select content to hide: images, external links, code, [hide] tag, attachments, or full content. Select databases, categories for hidden content. Enable hidden content in comments/reviews. Option to specify groups can bypass the hidden content. Reaction, reply or review to see the hidden content. *** Requires PAGES app
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  14. $15 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    This plugin will hide LINKS, CODE, IMAGES and [HIDE] in forum posts automatically. Members can use REACTIONS or REPLY to see the hidden content.
    Select content to hide: images, external links, code, [hide] tag, attachments Option to specify groups can bypass the hidden content. REACTIONS or Reply to see the hidden content. Supports Clubs. Requires Forums application.
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  15. $15 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    This is a small plugin allows using Widget to display the statistic in your site. Members could see and update the newest information on that.
    DISPLAY STATS IN TAB VIEW DISPLAY STATS IN GRID VIEW Manage stats in widget's settings: Easy to add/delete stats. Drag & drop to reorder the position quickly. Clicking on stats to options: title, categories, thumbnails. Supports IPS official apps: Forums, Downloads, Pages, Nexus, Gallery, Calendar. And 3rd party apps that meets the requirement for IPS4 Content, such as: Videobox, Musicbox, Tutorials, etc.... with the following stats: New content New comments New reviews Most viewed Hot Topics New Members Top Reputations ..... Other: Auto-update stats every X seconds. Widget title. Thumbnail style (square or round). Fully support AJAX. Fully support responsive design. Cache system for high quality/performance.  
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  16. $13 · Renewal Term: $6/6 months
    Video Slider Widget is a plugin that allows you make responsive video galleries to your website without coding knowledge. By adding video url, it will generate the title, thumbnail and credits automatically.
    Supported videos from:
    Youtube Vimeo Wistia Dailymotion Other supported videos: .mp4, .ogv, .webm Options:
    Layouts: vertical and horizontal Themes: dark and light Play button styles: square, flat circle, plain arrow, youtube style, bordered arrow Demo:
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  17. Add image thumbnails to IP.Page articles.
    Display thumbnails in an article database Easy to change the thumbnail for articles. Select thumbnail from external url, record image or article content. Set permission for groups to change thumbnails. Requires PAGES app
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  18. This plugin provides search form that will search any content with autocomplete functionality and show results with thumbnails for applications: Downloads, Forums (Topic Thumbnail required), Pages, Gallery, Blog, Calendar, Videobox, Musicbox, Tutorials 
    Enable/Disable plugin. Permissions for member groups. Max results. Search incomplete words Find results in Content titles only  |  Content titles and body Search Mode: OR / AND Set default search type for all pages Show category and author in search results. Display Quick Search in mobile & tablet *NEW* Demo: http://demo.ipsappzone.com
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  19. $15 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    This plugin allows members to add a gallery to their post.
    Main Features:
    Enable/disable Groups can use Responsive Gallery Customization: width/height, auto play, thumbnail, transitions, speed, image crop There is a form in the editor that helps members easy to add image URLs, captions, or select albums (from Gallery app) Demo: https://demo.ipsappzone.com/topic/1013-gallery-test/
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  20. $16 · Renewal Term: $8/6 months
    This is a plugin to add a new widget for Status Updates with essential enhancements.
    Reactions. Upload Attachments. Toggle between rich text & plain text. Toggle on/off member photos. Ajax pagination. Ajax for edit/delete/hide/unhide/lock/unlock options. Ajax for the new status, reply. View all replies in a popup. Option to set how many status updates should be loaded per page. Option to set the widget's title. Option to truncate lines. Demo:
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  21. This is very simple chat system with the basic features:
    Ajax chat, auto update. Display as a widget, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Rules. Supports emoticons, URL, Images (GIF, PNG, JPG) *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup  @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.
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  22. $12 · Renewal Term: $6/6 months
    This plugin adds a button to the editor so users can find and post the perfect GIFs from GIPHY - the world's largest library of animated images. 
    It's easy to use, easy to install and supports all IPS applications.
    Demo: https://demo.ipsappzone.com/chatbox/room/1-public/
    Add a button to the Editor to find and post GIFs / Stickers from GIPHY. Enable/Disable autoplay gif in results. Click on image to play GIF in results. Click on image to play GIF in content. *NEW* MPAA rating filter. Recently used GIFs. Trending GIFs (currently trending online on the GIPHY homepage). Supports Chatbox Free and Chatbox+ Native Giphy integration is now built into the core software. This application adds additional functionality as shown above and integrates with my other applications
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  23. $15 · Renewal Term: $7/6 months
    This plugin allows users to record and send voice message in Chatbox+ (in Clean Text Mode only). The voice message will be saved as mp3 files. Permission for who can use. Option to enable the feature in rooms/conversations/clubs. Max recording time. Demo: https://demo.ipsappzone.com/chatbox/room/1-public/
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  24. $40 · Renewal Term: $18/6 months
    Coded with ♥ 
    Chatbox+ is an application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports room chat, club chat and the private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other.
    Demo: https://demo.ipsappzone.com/chatbox/room/1-public/ ⭐Features:
    Private one-2-one chat:
    Chat boxes display on bottom right allow member to chat with each other. Multi chat at same time. Permission for who can use the private chat. Ability to select skin for each box. Load more messages on scroll up (or down). Easy to find member name to start the chat. Sound notification for new message. Report messages. User online status. Minimize and close chat boxes. Ban settings. Supports Clean Text Input with emoji, Youtube, URL, images, audio files, Giphy plugins, Supports Lazyload images. Interval in milliseconds. Flood control. Message length limit. Permission to edit/delete messages. Fully responsive - will adapt to mobile, tablet, desktop. Group Chat
    This feature is an extension of Member Chat to allow users to create a group and invite people to chat. Option to set maximum users in a group. Users can leave group whenever they want. Displaying users list in a group. System notification when user joins/leaves group. Group owner can rename the group. Permission for who can invite people to join group.  Rooms & Clubs Chat
    Admin can create multiple rooms, display rooms in widgets, or a new page. Club owner can create a room. Announcement & Rules for each room. Online Users list. Allow guest to join and chat with their custom nickname and random avatar. Show online users in the panel or popup. Global Chat: Show room in a a floating popup on the bottom of the pages so users can chat anywhere. Toggle show/hide the popup. Option to hide popup chat on mobile. User controls: On/Off sound notification. Open chat in a popup. Select skins. Moderator controls: Edit Announcement. User blocking system: Display moderator who blocked the user. Ability to add the reason. Auto unblock user after X minutes. Clean room (delete all messages). Quick edit/delete a message. System messages to notify when: New content posted from 3rd-party apps, supports: Forums (new topic, new reply) Downloads (new file, new comment, new review) Pages (new article, new comment, new review) Gallery (new image, new comment) Blogs (new entry, new comment) Calendar (new event, new comment) Status updates, status replies New registration. Videobox (new video, new comment, new review) Musicbox (new song, new comment) Tutorials (new article, new comment) New announcement. New donation. User joined/left room. Auto Messages (Chat Bot) Create multiple messages with cycle time in seconds. Select a member as a Bot to post the messages automatically every X seconds. The auto messages run on client-side, will not be saved to database for the best performance and saving database. Archive messages: Permission for who can view archive messages. Search messages by member name, guest name, content, time. Sorting messages by time, content, chatter name. Edit/Delete/Report message. Other features:
    Input message: Clean text: only supports URL, image URL, Youtube URL, GIF from GIPHY, upload image Editor: You can use full formatting from Editor: color, bold, size, emoticons... and all Editor's plugins.  Many stylish designs available: 5 color skins. 3 styles for messages: Standard  Bubbles  Condensed  Donation & SuperChat (requires IPS Commerce) *NEW* Allow users to donate directly in the room.  After making a payment, the message will be highlighted in a different color. Ability to select permission for who can donate. Select a donation goal from Commerce. Easy to setup the color for SuperChat based on the donation amount. Sending system notification when someone donates to the room. Tools for admin: Delete all system messages Delete all room's messages Delete all conversation Import messages from the Chatbox FREE Extra features: Supports playing a song from Musicbox Report center integration allows users to report bad massages. Auto loads old messages when scrolling down (or up). Highlight the message row if someone mentions you. Flood control, max messages, limit characters, sorting messages... Display number of online users in Chat menu. Display counter of characters when typing message. *NEW* Support IPS Link Filter for disallowed/allowed links. *NEW* Ignored Users. Lazy load images. Fully responsive.
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