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  1. This article is really good about helping you root out the underlying issues. Usually when a member blows up at me out of the blue on my forum, it's never thta one particular issue, it's usually many things that have built up, and I wish I had sometimes done more due diligence or background or communication. I sometimes move too fast and moderate too quickly when more open dialogue would have been better. Still learning!
  2. Really like these articles, appreciate Liam referring me to this awesome resource. I need to spend some more time reading some more articles, but I think it's important we emphasize core leadership skills to really lead our communities.
  3. I only run one forum on animal husbandry / caretaking of wild animals. I've been to sites where I see people run 3 or 4 different forums in their signatures, which is crazy to me.
  4. So much stuff! I would renew my IPS license for a year (or five 😄), buy a new guitar, buy some Oliver Cabell lace-ups, and a new skateboard. I don't know if there's one big item I would buy, probably just many items.
  5. Agnew

    On 2024

    Wow what a great message, happy new year! Definitely like the pivot away from engagement, which is something I tend to overly focus on, and in the quality of relationships and the community we can build.
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