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YourSharona last won the day on February 11

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  1. In the ACP: How do I know which Apps/Plugins are incompatible?
  2. Deleting the follows to the various categories, I discover that I am not automatically subscribed to three of them. This tells me that it is not a default software setting, but rather a setting specific to the permissions set upon this site.
  3. So... I edited all my notifications to remove all email notifications and to use only popup motifications. For two days, I continued to get emails, not understanding why. I decided to actually read the bottom of the email notification and discovered it was being sent to me because I am apparently following the category a file was uploaded to. I seem to remember checking a box during registration asking about being notified but... I really didn't want to be subscribed to a category, nor all of them for that matter (which I now find out I am). Now I have to go into each category to unsubscribe from them so I can stop getting emails about files... We'll see if this stops the emails now.
  4. The default should be opt in, not opt out. Thank you for your consideration.
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