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Marketplace Directory posted by InvisionHQ

  1. MOTM is an application that will allow you to designate a “member of the month”. Compared to the previous version for IPB 3 has been added the “elections” feature, now users can vote for their candidates.
    Admin can set up Application on/off. Enable/disable Motm widget in home page Admin can enable/disable Motm Archive Page (with historical data) Popup modal window for Staff Note Settings to configure a signature for motm note Stats page in acp to easy find your motm 12 stats displayed on widget for member of the month Members can vote for their candidates Notify user  
    MotM are tested on default IPB skin (4.1.X), for custom skin I provide a full support for free!!!
    Log in to your IPS4 Admin CP Go to System -> Site Features -> Applications Click “Install” Upload the .tar file included with this distribution and install!
    8 0
  2. Increase the bond between the users of your community by allowing them to express their current mood and feeling. This application will allow your members to choose moods created by you and enter their own currently feeling (if permitted) which will be displayed in forum topics, hover cards and user’s profiles. Members will also be able to see the latest moods updates by all members through the included widget. This application will help give your community, a deeper “community” feel.
    View: bbcode.it
    (Create an account to demo mood changing)
    Create your own moods with your own images. Set the display position of moods around the avatar: top left & right, bottom left, center & right. Set the image size for display in topics and profile. Also supports wide width images for classic style mood images. Optional menu link & user nav icon. Members can enter custom feeling text for moods. Set the allowed feeling text length. Group based permissions. Moods displayed on profile, in topics and hover cards. Latest Mood Updates widget. Editable language strings. Starter Mood Pack with PSD Template. Tested also on IPS 4.5.x
    If you have suggestions for Moods, we’d be happy to hear them via the forums: http://bbcode.it
    The cost of this application covers the ongoing support of the product and future development. You can request support via..
    Forums: bbcode.it
    6 0
  3. Using Quick Donate you can easily allow your community to receive donations through Paypal from your visitors through a widget which can be placed in header, footer & sidebar locations.
    Easy to setup. Widget works with both head/footer and sidebar zones. Sandbox mode for testing. Set allowed donation amounts or use custom amounts. Set allowed currencies. Set return URL. Force Paypal to specified localization. Visibility settings. Set text on widget and dialog. Usable on small screens. IPS 4.4.x / IPS 4.5.x / IPS 4.6.x
    If you have suggestions for Quick Donate, we’d be happy to hear them via the forums: bbcode.it
    The cost of this plugin covers the ongoing support of the product and future development. You can request support via support topic or PM.
    10 1
  4. Classifieds System is an application that enables your members to list items for sale/trade, monetizing your community.
    Commerce: https://invisionpower.com/features/commerce How does it work?
    Admin can enable TRANSACTIONS, which will allow members to buy items directly from another member via app and the advertiser receives the amount paid via account credit. If TRANSACTIONS is disabled, things has to be done manually: member needs to contact the advertiser in ways he wants (he chooses when posting the advert), make the deal, then the advertiser will set the advert as PENDING DEAL. After the payment/deal is done, advertiser sets the advert as COMPLETED. In both cases, if the advert is a SALES advert type BIDS (offers) are allowed if the admin enables the setting and if the advertiser also enables it when posting the advert.
    Exclusive Features-
    Unlimited categories of adverts, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships with a lot of settings Per-category permissions to show category, view adverts, submit adverts, ask questions and review adverts Category Icons Ability to choose the order and which blocks to display on the app index: Expiring Soon, What’s New and Categories block Support Extra Fields so you can define different fields per category Integrates to Commerce, so you can choose a specific payment gateway, tax, fee and comission and use multi-currencies. Ability to force users to fill the price in currencies Adverts Management on ACP: a place where admins can control status of adverts: expire, complete, set as active, change expiration date, etc. Advert History (advert view): works like the Moderation History, but will log all actions related to the advert itself, like who changed the expiration date, who set the advert as complete, etc. Ability to post external advert link: you can link an advert posted in other sites, like eBay, etc. Ability to hide adverts when expired and/or completed from category view Ability to switch between currencies with a click to display advert prices Ability do add a default address for new adverts in Account Settings. Ability to add multiple packages and charge for your listings at varying price points to suit your users. Listing packages allow you to choose whether or not specific member groups should need to pay to advertise and also whether adverts will be billed according to the value of the item being sold Central area where advertiser can view all expired adverts and renew them at anytime, if the package allows renewal Users can make offers (bid) to the adverts, if the advertiser allows Advertiser can reject offers Admin can enable transactions, which means that a user can buy something from another member directly, monetizing the site with fee/comission Per member settings: allows to access the app and allows to submit adverts Per group settings: allows to access the app, how many approvwd content items must have to access the app and mpderate first X free adverts from users of the group. That will make moderator’s life easier Integrates into IPS4 Moderating system, which all commons permissions, such as pin, unpin, delete, feature, move, etc. Advert Images settings: require image, max number of images per advert, max image filezie and max image dimensions Robust Admin Restrictions Ability to take specific actions when a member is deleted or flagged as a spammer Ability to give account credit to new members Ability to set the minimum/maximum title length and description length Ability to remove the upload of attachments in the advert description editor Submit questions and reviews to advert. Admin can choose if new questions or reviews are moderated, per category. Advertiser can reply to the questions Ability for users to report potentially offensive content using the built-in Report Center Search integration: search adverts along with the rest of your community’s content  Supports item marking, allowing your users to see what adverts have been added or commented/reviewed on Integrates into Activity Streams  Integrates to Share Links to share Integrates to Google Maps if and address is provided in the link submission (IPS 4.1.13+: Google Map APIs now requires an API key. Go to AdminCP -> System -> Community Enhancements to enable Google Maps support) Integration to IPS4 Announcements Integration to Member Filters (Bulk Mail, etc.) Integration to IPS4 Advertisements Supports the built-in tagging system including prefixes Support for notifications such as new adverts and questions comments on adverts Ability to follow/like categories and individual adverts Ability to add adverts to a wish list Drag & drop reordering of categories, advert types, items conditions and packages in the ACP. Ability to create RSS feeds of all adverts Integration with ACP Live Seach (categories, advert types, items conditions and packages) Friendly URLs for adverts and categories Matrix permission on Groups (editing a group) Reactions support (IPS 4.2) Clubs support  (IPS 4.2) Content Message and Promote features  (IPS 4.2) Embedded content  (IPS 4.2) Recommended Questions (IPS 4.2) Added REACTIONS to the questions (IPS 4.2) Member Store (IPS 4.2) Activity stream support (IPS 4.2) Change advert type once posted Featured and Pinned Blocks for General > Settings > Views Advert posting restriction Disable EDIT feature in completed adverts Dates on expired ads Default option for user Integration to Gallery Shipment feature 2.1 Advert filters #1 (prices, types, conditions) (Feb 2020) Support and Online Tests:
    Preferably, submit a report to the official Bug Tracker for this app: Github Account to test the app: if you want to test it online, drop me a private message and I’ll set-up a temporary account.
    22 1
  5. This application will allow admin to setup a badge for any user in topic view with a large customization options.
    Admin can set up Application on/off. Admin can set up which groups or which members have a Badge in topic view (secondary group support!). Admin can set up which forums show the single badge Badge “Link To” feature  Custom Style (you can “move” your badge anywhere in the topic view)  This app now support CSS BADGES responsive badges placement   
    Staff Badges are tested on:
    default IPB4.1 skin default IPB4.2 skin  default IPB4.3 skin  default IPB4.4 skin  default IPB4.5 skin  for custom skin I provide support!!!
    7 0
  6. This allows your staff to change post author, it also works for topic starter.
    17 0
  7. This resource is the result of the merging of “Clubs Enhancements” plugin and “Improved Clubs” app and it will give more power to Club Owners. They will be able to execute functions currently only possible in the Admin CP and add some fresh new features.
    Blocks features:
    Blocks Manager for Clubs (acp)
    Extended Blocks Manager for Club Leader
    Added HTML block (adsense, banner image…)

    With Blocks manager every Leaders can customize and mostly MONETIZE his space with a donation button, a banner or with adsense… 
    An exceptional tool to encourage the use of clubs on your forum
    General Features
    Add ability to create a custom HOME page for the Club
    Convert forums or apps categories into Club Features with a single click, so you don’t need to manually move a bunch of items (topics, images, files, events, etc) – Admin CP feature
    Convert Club Features into forums or categories
    Hide members list in the sidebar when the “Display Club information” is located “In the header” 
    Ban Member Features
    Ban Member – add moderator permission to ban/unban members
    Ban Member – Give the option to ban from ALL CLUBS or from specific clubs
    Ban Member – Revamped Banned Members Page
    Manage Club Features:
    Disable features: items from a disabled feature will not appear in the Club activity stream
    Delete features: just like on ACP, with option to delete content or move it to another club/category.
    Ability to ADMINS ban/unban members from the whole clubs.
    A banned member won’t be able to access any club page, including its content (topics, files, images, etc.).
    IMPORTANT: Club items will continue to appear in Activity Streams, profiles, searchs, etc. The restriction will happen only when the member tries to read them.
    Allow members to choose which features will be automatically created when creating a club.
    Restrict number of equal features per club (example: you can only have one “topic” feature).
    Restrict Number of Clubs per member.
    Restrict Number of Clubs a member can join.
    Add ability to create a QUESTION feature when creating a feature from FORUMS app.
    Add members to the club (setting to allow Club Owners to use it. Admins can use it).
    Add members from a specific user group to the club (secondary groups checked) (setting to allow Club Owners to use it. Admins can use it).
    Change owner of the club.
    Change type of the club (option according to the owner group setting).
    Display club icons on users posts
    Display club icons on user profile (hover card)

    Allow admins/club owners to create a custom HOME page for the Club
    Restrict Number of Features?
    Number of features per club
    Allow Club Owners to manually ADD MEMBERS?
    Display ‘Added By’ info when admin/owner add members manually
    Display Club Icon on posts panel?
    Number of Club Icons to display
    Club Icons Sort Order: name, last activity and random
    Display Club Icons on Hovercard Profile?
    Number of Club Icons to display
    Club Icons Sort Order: name, last activity and random
    8 0
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