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  1. @envy You're right. After the market was closed and the application release restrictions were removed, I decided to develop many applications on this platform, but unfortunately, it coincided with the release of version 5. Currently, we are waiting for the release of version 5. We'll see what I will release in the future, provided they don't announce new changes (eg, version X) or close third-party apps.
  2. Hey there. Get all files (16 files) for the lowest price. 🔥 85% OFF 🔥 - To order, please send a PM or email to mh.nvala@gmail.com LMS - Learning Management System ($150) Story ($50) LAXERI Theme ($40) Advanced Widget Display Setting ($25) Menu PLUS ($25) Hotspot Image ($25) Overlay Live Quick Search ($20) Wishlist - Commerce ($15) Favorite Pages Records ($25) Forum Collection ($15) Blog Collection ($15) Member Collection ($15) Filter By Tags ($15) Product Reviews ($15) Smart Recommended Topic ($15) Social Share Buttons ($15) Total $480 -> $72 Hurry! The offer ends on May 24, 2024 To order, please send a PM or email to mh.nvala@gmail.com Note! All apps will be updated after the release of version 5
  3. 14 downloads

    This app lets you to favorite (bookmark) records of any database (Pages app). It has a lot of options in the setting section (ACP). Some features : Who can use Which app Enable/Disable Tooltip Enable/Disable Flash Message Add custom template Redirect guests to the sign-up/sign-in page and more
  4. Hi @Como The closure of the Market has been great in terms of the removal of development restrictions. But the problem, as you said, is stopping purchases and support from 3rd-party apps. We are all waiting for the release of version 5, but as @JoelR said, even buyers may wait several months until version 5 is stabilized. Therefore, no plan can be made for it. For now, I'm doing some custom work to see what happens. Anyway, thank you for your comments, it will certainly help me decide.
  5. As a developer on this platform, I want to know your opinions of the members of this platform. Are you willing to buy new 3rd-party apps? Considering that quality apps/themes are produced that really improve your community and meet your needs. Before the market was closed, I had a big plan to develop each part of this platform. I also decided to produce new things needed by every community. For example, LMS has been completed and is being developed, as well as other apps that I don't know if I should start. Are you waiting for version 5 to think about 3rd-party apps? Would you consider them if new apps are released for version 4.*?
  6. @Matt I really appreciate you taking the time to answer. It is really valuable. The fact that you specified the approximate date also helps me in making a decision. Thank you and I hope everything goes well for your team.
  7. I just want to know when somthing about v5 will be released.it doen't matter which version . Has the coding structure changed a lot or not? What things have been added and subtracted? I don't care if version 5 is released tomorrow or early 2025. to me, the important thing is whether I can continue my work on this platform or not. Just let me(us) know roughly what changes there are in the source code and structures. what things are supposed to be changed. The issue is that after the closing of the marketplace, I didn't want to continue on this platform, but when I thought about my 4-year activity here, I gave myself another chance, and now with these delays, I have to give myself another chance every week 😅 I wanted to work on some apps, of course I started and released LMS, but I thought that maybe the structure of coding and development in version 5 will be fundamentally changed so i've stoped all works.
  8. It is definitely possible. Well, it's interesting for me , because I recently released the LMS app, and it is an interesting idea to integrate with it.
  9. @Matt Great, So please give the exact time. When will version 5 be released?
  10. I also had an app that I saw later in their updates. I don't say they took my idea, at least they didn't care about the market items. after any update, there are some problems, bugs, and even new bugs in old cases. don't they have the Unit Test? If the members support, I am ready to cooperate in developing all apps of this platform. I mean developing everything, even its core, without changing its source code(3rd-party applications) besides new major apps like multi-vendor eCommerce, Jobs, booking system, etc. It means you can also update the IPS without any problems if you like!
  11. It is strange to me that they do not have a schedule for the delivery of their product. AI tools in the editor! How many weeks does it really take to implement this tool in an editor?! Wouldn't it be better if they optimized the same editor and released version 5 and replaced their powerful editor(!!!!) in the new update?! This platform has so much potential for improvement that it can be raised from this normal level to a high level, but I don't think they have a plan to do so. Closing the marketplace was their big mistake, through which they could develop the app more quickly, which many platforms do. For example, they should have added third-party apps/plugins to their core according to the needs of the community, of course, with an agreement with their author. I think they will abondon the self-hosting and this part of the community should think about it. I am sure that some developers in this community can develop this platform much better and faster. Third-party apps that even make the IPS core stronger, but as far as I realized, the members of this community do not support this plan and are still waiting for their update. The updates that never surprised me during these years.
  12. Now you can buy all the products with a 50% discount from Valacoding.com. All products as bundle -> 65% off (email to mh.nvala@gmail.com) https://valacoding.com
  13. https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/reydev-r54/ ReyDev
  14. 65 downloads

    Vala LMS is an online course marketplace with a pile of features that help you run your online education business easily. This product helps instructors and students get in touch and share knowledge. Instructors will be able to create unlimited video courses, text courses, projects, quizzes (coming soon), files, etc. and students will be able to use the educational material and increase their skill level. Vala LMS is based on real business needs, cultural differences, and advanced user research, so the product covers your business requirements efficiently. check it out: https://ips.valacoding.com/index.php?/courses/ We will update and adapt this app for version IPS-V5. Why CHOOSE Vala LMS? • A comprehensive solution for online education businesses • Based on real business needs and requirements • Multiple content types (Video courses, text courses) • Public & private classes • Quiz & Certification (coming soon) • Single & multiple instructors • User permissions • Commissions • Add reviews to course/lessons • Add comments to course/lessons • Add clubs to courses • Define lesson level • Define course language • Add demo • Add free lessons to the paid courses • Show Overview of courses • Statistics • Multilanguage • Fully responsive • Fully customizable • Course Club • Course Statistics & Analytics • Course Access Period • Manual Enrollment • Assignment & Homework • Course Notifications & Reminders • Course Capacity • Course FAQ • Course learning material • Course knowledge prerequisites • Course prerequisites • and more ... Just try it and see what this app can do. We look forward to your suggestions We add new features to it almost every day to make it a complete and competitive program on LMS platforms. Currently, the exam section is being implemented and will be published soon. ==== Initial Version ===== 1.0.0 ==================== ==== Upcoming Features ==== Course/ Lesson QUIZ ====================
  15. Now you can buy all the products with a 50% discount from Valacoding.com. https://valacoding.com
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