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  • Most Important Leadership Competencies, According to Leaders Around the World

      Executive summary

      Leadership in online communities necessitates a set of unique competencies.

    Leadership in online communities, such as forums or social groups, demands a unique set of skills and approaches. In a global study of 194 leaders in 15 countries conducted by Dr. Sunnie Giles of the President of Quantum Leadership Group, certain competencies stand out as particularly crucial in the digital sphere. Here’s an exploration of the top leadership qualities essential for effective management and fostering a thriving online community:

    • Ethical Standards and Clear Communication: Trust is the cornerstone of any thriving online community. Leaders must uphold high ethical and moral standards, creating a safe and inclusive environment. This involves clear, transparent communication, setting expectations, and adhering to community guidelines and rules. For example, in a forum, a leader must be consistent in enforcing policies and open in communicating changes or decisions, thereby fostering a sense of safety and reliability.
    • Empowering Members to Self-Organize: Effective online leadership involves delegating authority and encouraging community members to self-organize. This might mean allowing members to initiate discussions, moderate sub-groups, or contribute to the community’s direction. Leaders should encourage autonomy while providing clear guidelines to ensure alignment with the community's overall objectives.
    • Fostering Connection and Belonging: In digital spaces, creating a sense of belonging is essential. Leaders should engage with members personally, recognizing contributions and facilitating connections among members. Techniques like virtual meetups, acknowledging member milestones, or having themed discussion threads can strengthen bonds within the community.
    • Openness to New Ideas and Learning: Successful online communities thrive on innovation and adaptability. Leaders should be open to new ideas and approaches, encouraging members to share feedback and suggestions. Creating a culture where experimentation and learning from mistakes are valued can lead to a more dynamic and engaging community. For instance, introducing new features based on member suggestions or hosting brainstorming sessions can invigorate the community.
    • Nurturing Member Growth: Commitment to member development is crucial. Leaders in online communities can facilitate growth by offering learning resources, opportunities for skill development, or mentorship programs. This could involve hosting expert webinars, providing platforms for members to showcase their skills, or encouraging peer-to-peer learning.
    • Managing Conflict and Promoting Constructive Dialogue: Inevitably, conflicts arise in online communities. Effective leaders must be skilled in conflict resolution, promoting constructive dialogue while addressing issues head-on. This includes mediating disputes, ensuring that all voices are heard, and maintaining a respectful environment even in heated discussions.

    In conclusion, leading an online community requires a blend of ethical leadership, empowerment, connectivity, openness to learning, member growth, and conflict management. By mastering these competencies, leaders can foster vibrant, engaging, and productive online communities.


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