This study examines the role of online instructors in asynchronous discussion forums, specifically whether they should adopt a prominent 'sage on the stage' role, a constructivist 'guide on the side' role, or a minimal 'ghost in the wings' role. The study analyzed an online astronomy program with about 200 participants, focusing on the correlation between instructor posting rates and the frequency and length of student posts, as well as student survey responses about their educational experience. Findings reveal that frequent instructor posting did not necessarily increase student postings and often resulted in shorter discussion threads. However, students generally rated their educational experience highly, with frequent posters perceived as more enthusiastic and expert. The study concludes that simple metrics like student posting rates and instructor participation frequency do not adequately measure the quality of forum discussions, suggesting the need for more nuanced evaluation methods.
Mazzolini, Margaret, and Sarah Maddison. "Sage, guide or ghost? The effect of instructor intervention on student participation in online discussion forums." Computers & Education 40.3 (2003): 237-253.
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