This article introduces and elaborates on the concept of auto-netnography, a methodological approach for conducting self-reflective, ethnographic research within online communities and social media settings. The author presents a detailed Journey Guide for Auto-Netnography, consisting of six essential elements: (1) the traveller (researcher), (2) the map (research framework), (3) the routes (methodological steps), (4) the learning (knowledge gained), (5) the telling (sharing findings), and (6) the safety of the trip (ethical considerations). Additionally, the article proposes the innovative concept of brand auto-netnography, further illustrated through the author's personal experience conducting an auto-netnographic study within a presidential candidate’s Facebook community, where the author served as the campaign manager. This work aims to expand the methodological toolkit available to practitioners, organizations, and scholars engaging with online communities and offers insights into the nuanced dynamics of digital spaces.
Villegas, Dino. "From the self to the screen: A journey guide for auto-netnography in online communities." Journal of Marketing Management 34.3-4 (2018): 243-262.
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